Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kiva Microfinance Loan # 1 - Rosine

Towards the end of 2010 Marrar Ag n Chat decided that we wanted to become involved in microfinance loans for women in poverty stricken countries to help them either start or continue their own business to support their family. Today we finally made a decision on who to help and through which agency. We chose to donate through Kiva which is a well-established organisation based in the USA.

The photo above is of Rosine from Rwanda who we chose as our recipient. She is a 35-year-old entrepreneur that is married with two children, ages 3 and 6. Her husband is a technician and both of their children are in school. For three years, she has been running a business buying and selling fruit. She plans to use this loan to purchase oranges, tree tomatoes, citrus fruits, and mangoes that she will sell to meet the growing demand of her business.

Once Rosine has repaid her loan to us we will then choose another recipient to help - and the cycle will continue!

1 comment:

  1. What a great meeting and a nice lunch afterwards which we seem never to have time to do! The next few months for our group look busy and fun too! Well done Donna for organising the details of this!
